Friday, March 15, 2013

Missing Bicycle!

Hey everyone,

I discovered, a couple of days ago, that my sister's teacher is in the news! Well, Mr Michael Sayers hasn't found his bicycle for 20 years now. It was a rare, awesome, to help, I decided to blog on it!

I can't just copy-paste the whole news (because that would be stealing), so click here for more info on it!

He was posted in The National. It's a daily news paper. Well, anyway, if you have seen the bike ANYWHERE, just contact the dude (from The National's info).

To add, my sister's bicycle has been missing, as well! It disappeared a few months ago, though it was very special because our uncle had bought it for her birthday. It had gears and everything, all in great condition. But then, the next morning, DUN DUN DUN! It was gone!! Is someone stealing all the awesome bikes? Why? It's just terrible! We need help! Spread the message to help Mr. Michael and my sister! Thank you all.

Don't forget to spread it like butter on bread,


  1. Hope Mr Michael and you sista get their bicycles back soon!

  2. Really! Is there a bicycle thief in ABU DHABI!!!!!!!!!!???????????
    I hope ur sis and Mr MS can find their bicycles! :D :D :O


    1. Yes! If you have any bicycle outside, I suggest it would be best to keep it indoors! And thanks for the good luck :)
