Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Well, Asa wrwb. Hi.

I've grown quite a fair bit, I'd say. Looking back though, I still feel like a child.

Arif Bhaiya, JazakAllah Khair (May Allah reward you). Thank you for putting this together. I hope you recover soon and feel awesome. I thought about you many times in my English class, how you  must be feeling. How you're staying strong. How you correctly predicted I'd become a writer. I checked maktion - your last post is about #10Lessons, dated 2013... Take care, Arif Bhaiya.

As I read my own blog, I cringe, then wonder. I love how innocently unconscious this writing is. Messy. Rough. I remember getting an idea and eagerly writing it all out, then posting. I do see some drafts here as well.

I love writing.

A lot of me is preserved in journals I wish to burn. But I simply can't. So, I hope to use these journals as a basis for this blog's posts.

There's so much I have to say. There's so much of me that's missing here and there...

PS: The best part about blogging is that it's public, but hopefully nobody reads this.

1 comment:

  1. All the very best bassu....keep it up..want to read more....
