Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Feed My Fish!

Hey guys!

How are you all? It's been a long time....I added some fish here -------->
Please feed them by clicking near them! Anyways.......I even changed the font of my blog.....And I will keep changing every week till I find the perfect font...and the perfect template and stuff. :) So this was a sort of update thing. I couldn't use the laptop because my mom was already doing something AWESOME! Go and check it out at If you don't have Facebook, use your parents' account by permission. And if you already have one, please leave a comment about what you think :). Also I want you all to participate in the poll here---------->
So yeah.....


  1. i have fed your fish!! its really cool B-) its fun to design our blogs :)

  2. Thank you Basma for promoting my brand...RoohSah....Tons of thanks & baskets of kisses...urs mimi..
